Therefore, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund would be wise to grant Greece some leeway on their repayment schedule. 欧盟(EuropeanUnion)和国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)如果明智,就应当在偿债安排方面给予希腊一定的灵活性。
Tomorrow is the deadline for owners of Greek debt to agree to a haircut on their debt by extending the repayment schedule out a few years. 明天就是希腊的债权人同意免除一定到期债务,将债务延后数年偿还的最后期限。
People involved in the talks said the package would also include incentives for private holders of Greek debt to voluntarily extend Athens 'repayment schedule, as well as another round of austerity measures. 参与谈判的人士表示,一揽子计划中还将包括针对希腊债务私人持有者的激励措施,以促使他们自愿延长偿还期限,以及新一轮的紧缩措施。
Both groups still face a significant repayment schedule in the next few years, in spite of the recent loosening of credit conditions, the rating agency says. 穆迪称,尽管最近信贷环境宽松,上述两类公司未来几年仍将面临巨额偿债计划。
Overdue loan repayment schedule is not party or over the contract period the graded principal repayment of loans planned behavior. 借款逾期是指甲方未按期清偿或超过本合同约定的分次还本计划期限归还借款的行为。
You can help your friends with their financial situations while clearing off your debt by getting ahead of your repayment schedule. 如果你提前完成自己偿还计划,也可以帮朋友改善他们自己经济状况。
In a relatively closed social networks in rural areas, micro-credit through the relevant system design to strengthen the interests of the members of the same social networks stickiness, thus ensuring that every borrower will be the repayment schedule. 在社会网络相对封闭的农村,小额信贷可以通过相关制度设计强化同一社会网络成员的利益黏性,从而保证每一位借款人都会按期还款。
The mortgage prepayments behavior refers to the borrower is not in accordance with the original repayment schedule mortgage payments, but the mortgage before the maturity date of any point in time, some or all of the acts of balance to repay the loan. 所谓住房抵押贷款提前还贷行为,是指借款人未按照抵押贷款原定偿付计划进行支付,而是在抵押贷款到期日之前的任何时点,部分或者全部偿还贷款余额的行为。